Pay Per Click Campaigns For Higher Education

Want Pay Per Click Campaigns For Higher Education data? We've aggregated real-time customer performance and 1,672 benchmarks from 166 other sites and reports. Find Pay Per Click Campaigns For Higher Education data below.


CPM (“cost per mille”) is the rate one pays for one thousand ad views or, more commonly, impressions. We’ve benchmarked agency CPM’s at $25.00. That’s what you can expect to pay if you work with an agency. If you buy ads yourself, directly from a vendor like Facebook or Google, you can expect to pay about $9.31.


Currently, our customer network pays $7.66 per thousand impressions. That’s 69.36% below the agency benchmark and 17.72% below the ad vendor benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital


CTR (“click-through rate”) is the percent of users who click on an ad vs. the number who view the same ad. We’ve benchmarked average CTR at 2.27%.


Currently, our customer network sees 4.96% CTRs. That’s 118.50% above the benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital


CPC (“cost per click”) is the amount you pay per ad click. We’ve benchmarked average CPC at $1.46.


Currently, our customer network is paying just $0.25 per click. That’s 82.88% below the benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital

Lead Conversion Rate

Lead conversion rate (LCR) is the percent of site visitors who submit a lead form vs. the number who visit and take no action. We’ve benchmarked average LCR (or, what we call “RCR” or “relationship conversion rate”) at 4.63%


Currently, our customer network sees 19.77% LCRs. That’s 327.00% above the benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital


CPL (“cost per lead”) is the amount you pay per lead. While lead costs vary by industry, we’ve benchmarked average CPL (or, what we call “CPR” or “cost per relationship”) at $119.34. See the table below for industry specifics.


Currently, our customer network pays just $1.24 per lead. That’s 98.96% below the benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital

Win Rate

Win rate (or close rate) is the percent of customers you convert vs. the number of leads you generate. Traditional, non-digital win rates tend to be 32.89% while digital marketing benchmarks tend to be 3.43%


Currently, our customer network sees 1.93% win rates. That’s 43.73% below the digital benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital


ROI (“return on investment”) is the amount of gross revenue you generate for every dollar you spend. We’ve benchmarked average marketing ROI at 3.62x. That is, for every $1 you spend on marketing, you want to generate $3.62 worth of income.


Currently, our customer network sees a 6.36x ROI on its marketing spending. That’s 75.69% above the benchmark.

Case Study: GoConvert vs. Traditional Digital

More Benchmarks

It can be hard to find reliable digital marketing benchmarks. Our list aggregates real-time GoConvert customer data with benchmarks from dozens of other sites and reports.

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